Terms and Conditions

The following terms and conditions must be agreed by both parties, the client and The Mamisa String Quartet. A booking form must be signed to confirm you have read and agreed to all terms and conditions.



We require a suitable playing area with enough space for us to play comfortably and 4 chairs (armless chairs are best). Please ensure that there is adequate lighting and the area is positioned away from staff serving food or drinks.

We are happy to play outside providing the temperature is 17 degrees or higher and conditions are suitable. We are not available to play outdoors during wet weather or strong winds. In the case of direct sunlight, we require some form of shelter, a marquee, canopy or large umbrella is perfectly acceptable. Please be aware that we do not provide this and it will be your responsibility to do so. Our instruments are very delicate, so we have to be incredibly careful with what they are exposed too. Please make your venue aware of these conditions.


We do not supply any sound amplification, however we can provide a quotation for a PA system if requested.



For performances longer than one hour, the musicians will need a 5 minute break half way through the playing time.



All start and finish times will be agreed prior to your event. If you need to amend the times for your booking, please contact us immediately. It is not always possible to change the timings, but we do our best to be as flexible as possible.


We cannot guarantee our availability should you have to change your booked date, however we will do our utmost to accommodate you.
If we are unavailable on your new date, your booking will be cancelled and your booking fee will not be refunded. 



Should you have to change your venue, please advise us of the new venue in writing as soon as possible. All bookings are made with travel included, so a change of venue may have an impact on the agreed fee.  



Your balance payment is to be made by cheque or bank transfer to Michelle Mason two weeks before the wedding date - all details will be provided on your invoice.  If you prefer to pay by cash, all payments must be paid on the wedding/event day, before we begin to play.


The String Quartet will arrive 40 minutes before the wedding/event begins. However if the start time is delayed due to the client, venue, or another supplier our agreed start and finish times still stand. If you wish to extend the booking time, it will depend on whether the musicians are available to play for a longer session, as often they will have another event, rehearsal or concert to get to. Extra time is charged at €25.00 per player, per half hour.



If you cancel your booking at any time, for any reason, your booking fee is non-refundable.

50% of the full fee is liable if the event is cancelled within 3 months of the wedding/event.

100% of the full fee is liable if the event is cancelled within two weeks of the wedding/event.